More about scale (6)

by bera

| The following article will describe how to build up a simple cheap yet very effective 5KG (max) kitchen weight machine for a penny ! Change...

| The set frequency of inexpensive frequency or function generators is often indicated by a simple scale on the tuning knob, which is not no...

| The circuit in the diagram shows how a Type ADXL05 accelerometer can be connected to a low-cost CMOS 555 to provide a frequency output. Th...

| Modern TV tuners normally contain means to scale down the VCO [voltage-controlled oscillator) signal. The one used in the proposed synthe...

| A crystal cannot be tested acousttically, unless, that is, its output is scaled down to the audio frequency range by a circuit as shown...

| The frequency probe enables you to listen into the speed of your computer. It is, however, also suitable for use with other digital circ...