More about Synthesizer (48)

| 48 EE:rnt1= MICROPROCESSOR-CONTROLLED RADIO SYNTHESIZER 2 by Peter Topping This final instalment of the article deals with the construction...

| EE MICROPROCESSOR-CONTROLLED RADIO SYNTHESIZER 1 The addition of a microprocessor-controlled synthesizer to a continuously-tuned receiver gr...

| Q EN 811 820 . 122 C28 C20 72132 70p 770p SP 8794 5V BFR 91 =J3 032 = wi= wron 1002 8V ,Cot?, C2 ■I DI. 02: BB 109 008H C213 MIN 7)On •...

| Circuits for generating electronic music are usually controlled by key switches. Not only do keyboards offer the simplest technical solution...

| speech for microcomputers phoneme synthesizer with Centronics input A phoneme (Greek: "speech sound") is a basic sound unit in a language. E...

| disco drum elektor June 1984 Contemporary music is quickly reaching the stage where it is the rule rather than the exception to use computer...

| Junior Synthesizer elektor september 1983 Nothing generates quite so much interest in computers by raw beginners as a computer that makes no...

| 11-20 — elektor november 1982 drum interface a drum instead of a keyboard for synthesizers Why must a synthesizer always have a keyboard?...