More about Wearables (96)

| To reinforce the company’s commitment to the Internet of Things Intel have announced the XMM 6255; a complete 3G solution to enable cloud co...

| Adafruit Industries' Becky Stern gave a talk at HOPE X about using DIY wearable technologies to reclaim autonomy in an increasingly invasive...

| Trulife Optics together with the National Physics Laboratory has demonstrated a new type of transparent head-up display device. According to...

| ESA has provided research and development guidance to Finnish company Patria, with the help of Tampere University of Technology, in designin...

| PetInspect is a sophisticated data-logger and wireless communications device that lets you discover what environment your pet experiences an...

| With the darkness of winter evenings on them again, joggers, walkers, hikers and long-distanee runners should take heed of their safety...