Step into the Elektor Lab in Aachen, Germany, where magic truly happens! A few times per year, Elektor engineers Jens Nickel, Saad Imtiaz, and Brian Tristam Williams come together for a casual Lab Talk, and as always, we've captured it on video. Watch the recent episode! 

Curious about what's buzzing in the world of Wireless? Jens dives deep into the current edition of Elektor Mag, covering everything from LoRa to a Raspberry Pi Pico-based spectrum analyzer, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), a custom RF receiver and more.

And in this episode, Raspberry Pi 5 takes center stage! Brian spills some beans on his recent trip to Cambridge, UK, for the Raspberry Pi Partner Event. He gives a helpful update. 

And for the hardcore engineering enthusiasts, Saad's got a treasure trove of insights. Ever wondered how the Raspberry Pi 5 stands up to heat? With thermal camera shots and thermocouple measurements, Saad takes you on a journey into its very heart. Plus, get ready to be blown away by the speed and performance of this beast! They also cover new features like the improved connectivity with dual CSI/DSI and faster USB, and talk about fun experiments such as installing Windows on the Raspberry Pi 5.

Also have a glimpse at some exciting upcoming projects such as the ESP32 Energy Monitor! 

Don't just take our word for it, click play and dive in.

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