Tam Hanna (68)

| The popular MQTT protocol is one of the most straightforward ways to connect distributed electronics, such as sensors, controllers, and data...

| A smartphone app is ideal for controlling your own electronics. Communication can take place via Bluetooth LE to save energy. However, devel...

| Artificial intelligence on GPUs does not necessarily mean expensive graphics cards and massive power consumption. NVIDIA has been moving tow...

| Artificial intelligence on GPUs does not necessarily mean expensive graphics cards and massive power consumption. NVIDIA has been moving tow...

| The ESP32-S3-EYE board from Espressif is a platform designed specifically for evaluating image recognition and other AI applications. It com...

| The capabilities of ChatGPT and similar AI systems have created considerable interest in popular media. It seems logical that these AI syste...

| Today, entire systems are based around fully-featured bus architectures. A widespread industry standard ensures the long-term availability o...

| Sometimes a simple pushbutton is better than a switch. There are many circuits that convert a pushbutton into an On/Off button. Here we pres...

| When developing an application, in particular an automotive application, you should always include reverse-polarity protection for the suppl...

| If you’re looking for a frequency standard, an oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) is a low-cost option. Here, we report briefly on pr...