Karel Beckman (139)

| It is "technically possible" to achieve a 40% CO2 emission reduction in the Netherlands in 2030 compared to 1990. A "least-cost" approach to...

| Responses to the EU's 2050 Energy Roadmap range from "broadly" positive to fairly and sometimes highly critical. The most heard criticism is...

| Editor Karel Beckman looks back on the second year of EER's online existence. For EER, the news has been overwhelmingly positive: the number...

| Pier Nabuurs, retired CEO of the prestigious Dutch energy consultancy KEMA, Chairman of the Smart Energy Collective in the Netherlands and f...

| European plans for CCS (carbon capture and storage) will require a network of 22,000 kilometres of CO2-pipelines to be built across Europe....

| The Dutch power and gas exchange APX-Endex has opened the world's first Biomass Exchange in Amsterdam. The new Exchange will serve as a plat...

| The relatively small Danish energy company Dong is world leader in offshore wind. With a large pipeline of projects, and institutional inves...

| 'I want to make this the best company in our sector in the world.' Fulvio Conti, CEO of Enel and newly elected President of Eurelectric, has...

| European energy companies will not be able to finance the transition to a decarbonised power system on their own. They will need the help of...

| In this space we recently reported that a new assessment of the Marcellus Shale in the northeastern US by the US Geological Survey seemed to...