Eric Bogers (270)

| Computers writing their own software: according to Martin Vechev, Professor of Computer Science at ETH Zürich, that’s definitely not science...

| A research team at the University of Utah has discovered that a group of materials called organic/inorganic hybrid perovskites has promising...

| Researchers all over the world are working to build a secure Internet based on the invisible quantum physical link between particles called...

| In Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, the World Expo 2017 with the theme “Future Energy” is being staged from June 10 to September 10 2017....

| STMicroelectronics has released two new MOSFETs in the advanced PowerFLAT Dual Side Cooling (DSC) package. These components measure just 5 x...

| IMEC has unveiled the world’s first prototype of an implantable microchip for prostheses with touch feedback, also called “haptic prostheses...

| A light wave travelling through empty space always oscillates in the same direction. However, there are materials which can rotate this osci...

| Infineon officially launched Productive4.0, the largest European research initiative for Industry 4.0, in Dresden on May 19 of this year. Un...

| In order to map how a living brain works 'from the inside', researchers have used all kinds of sensors, initially simple electrodes and late...

| A powerful network of radio telescopes, spread around our planet, attempts for the first time to create an image of a black hole. Black hole...