Sourcing Hard-to-Find Components: EEI Live (Feb 8 @ 4 PM CET)
February 07, 2023

During the pandemic, chip shortages created many challenges throughout the electronics industry. So, what do you do when you can't get the components you need? And when it comes to packaging, who decides size? In the February 8 (at 4 PM CET) episode of Elektor Engineering Insights, Elektor editor Stuart Cording will take on these questions, and more, with a few special guests.
During the livestream, Cording will chat with Fusion Worldwide to learn how they find hard-to-get silicon and ensure it meets the demands of their exacting customers. He will also talk with Nexperia about their LFPAK technology, how it came about, and what's next as it runs 20 years old!
Need tips for sourcing components? Join us live, and you can get answers to your engineering questions from our experienced guests.
During the livestream, Cording will chat with Fusion Worldwide to learn how they find hard-to-get silicon and ensure it meets the demands of their exacting customers. He will also talk with Nexperia about their LFPAK technology, how it came about, and what's next as it runs 20 years old!
Need tips for sourcing components? Join us live, and you can get answers to your engineering questions from our experienced guests.
Elektor Engineering Insights
Elektor Industry Insights is an essential resource for busy engineers, academics, and maker pros who want to stay informed about the world of electronics. During each episode, Stuart Cording discusses real engineering challenges and solutions with electronics industry experts. The show streams regularly on the Elektor TV channel on YouTube, as well as on LinkedIn and Twitter. We encourage audience participation. Simply to send your questions during the show so that our experts can provide live feedback and solutions.Read full article
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