News (6822)

| “Tout Brussels” gathered on Tuesday for the presentation of the “Roadmap 2050”of the European Climate Foundation (ECF). The ECF’s study  – s...

| Jacques Delors’ think tank Notre Europe has come up with an impressive plea for a European energy policy. ‘Europe faces several major crises...

| Aware that they are not making the best of their assets and people, the two Europe-based energy super-majors – BP and Shell – are pursuing a...

| Russia seems to be ready for more international cooperation in the energy sector. The Russian government is considering easing legal hurdles...

| When six European states decided in 1951 to integrate two key sectors of their economies to create a Community, their purpose was to replace...

| Energy experts are calling on western governments to lift trade barriers for Brasilian ethanol. They point out that, in spite of the rise of...

| “It is important for the Electricity Industry to identify the impacts of its activities on the environment and work proactively to reduce th...

| The market parties that have formed the Desertec Industrial Initiative (DII) are turning the grand solar power vision of founder Gerhard Kni...

| It has been a turbulent two years for the global energy sector since the last Ministerial meeting of the International Energy Forum (IEF) in...

| Speculators (those who trade in “paper barrels”) have been blamed by politicians and energy companies for causing extreme price volatility i...