Review: Mini synthesizer kit
March 23, 2017

The mini synthesizer kit reviewed here is a product from the big German publisher Franzis, historically a specialist like Elektor, with publications on electronics applications and micro computing aimed at beginners and the leisure market.
Principally, this kit is aimed at beginners (from 14 years up according to the manual) and is designed to operate without adjustments once assembled.
The kit is touted as a complete, partially assembled package, with case, keyboard and loudspeaker. How do they do it for this price?? Nothing shows clearly if it’s just a simple toy kit, with very limited musical possibilities, or if this instrument might interest the apprentice musician who has an interest in synthesizers. That’s what I wanted to find out.
A form of virtual reality

Mix of virtual and real.
It’s pretty. Even if this skeuomorphism appears a little dated, it still keeps its charm. For beginners, such a pretty front panel is encouraging, because when they start, such an attractive appearance says that the insides can’t be too bad.

A trick worth remembering: T3.
As this project is not open source code the manual has only a few sentences on the main lines of code of the program, and a flowchart.
It’s better than nothing, but at the outset this kit does not pretend to show you how a music synthesizer works, nor how to modify or program it. It does not do that, but let’s see if it does what it does promise: Build your own synthesizer!
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