Review: Casio on steroids
March 03, 2016

Around a month ago, in his review , my colleague Thijs Beckers was extolling the virtues of the assembled J²B synthesiser module, but he didn’t tell you everything. From my point of view, he even forgot the essentials, to know what comes out of the synthesiser and enters in our ears! We need to revisit this subject, especially because in the description of the synthesiser already published by Elektor (Jan 2015), it was only a question of…
This software bias is logical, because it was about illustrating the portability of an open software from one microcontroller to another of a totally different family.
Now, when you talk portability, you can talk possible improvements! Thus a display has appeared on the J²B synthesiser, useful to check its parameters. In its initial form, the Soulsby Atmegatron synthesiser had only buttons (10) almost all potentiometers, but no display. In the Elektor J²B version there are not only buttons – which are in fact rotary encoders without...
This software bias is logical, because it was about illustrating the portability of an open software from one microcontroller to another of a totally different family.
Now, when you talk portability, you can talk possible improvements! Thus a display has appeared on the J²B synthesiser, useful to check its parameters. In its initial form, the Soulsby Atmegatron synthesiser had only buttons (10) almost all potentiometers, but no display. In the Elektor J²B version there are not only buttons – which are in fact rotary encoders without...