All items tagged with Arduino and IoT (49)

| Now hot off the press is Elektor’s first edition of 2017! It’s available for purchase either as a pdf document or a printed magazine with fr...

| The PULPino open-source microprocessor developed by researchers at ETH Zurich and the University of Bologna promises to make it easier for d...

| Control your lights at home, your LEGO Robots and many other wireless projects with the Pretzelboard, a low cost yet powerful easy-to-use I...

| There is something magical in being able to transmit and receive data through the air (“aether”) without wires and the LPRS eRIC module [2]...

| When you put Arduino and the Internet of Things in a nice black suitcase together with some extra break-out goodies, what you get is the per...

| eRIC Nitro features an ATmega328 AVR microcontroller with Arduino bootloader and a low-power eRIC radio module operating in the ISM band (43...

| All inventors, artists, makers and developers are kindly invited to show the world what they can create with Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft...

| The Duo looks like a capable development board for IoT designs. The small board uses the same form factor as a few other IoT boards such as...

| One of our newest books, IoT GET-U-GOING, will be arriving at the Elektor warehouse soon. This book will show you how to build your own Inte...

| Over the past months Google has been busy downsizing its Android operating system (OS) to make it suitable for the Internet of Things (IoT)....