More about Calibrated (7)

| To finish the repair of an oscilloscope, it had to be calibrated in voltage and current. Unable to find a suitable commercial device, I buil...

| Generate any accurate voltage 0 to +/-10V with 20uV step and 0 to 40mA 100nA for your design or for multimeter, oscilloscope calibration sou...

| Würth Elektronik has introduced a MEMS absolute pressure sensor just 2 x 2 x 0.8 mm in size to cover the 26 to 126 kPa range.

| Red Pitaya is a powerful instrumentation and prototyping module used by numerous electronics professionals and hobbyists as a general-purpos...

| Although we would not denigrate the many photographic development and printing services (wh ich vary fram poar to fairly good), it is...

| Temperature may be measured electronically with cornmercially available temperature- to-voltage converters. Since good-quality, calibrated...

| The Acorn Archimdes, well-known far its speed and good graphics facilities, has a video interface that allows programmers to design a va...