All items tagged with digital and instrument (9)

| Did you ever wonder how semiconductor manufacturers test their highly Integrated Circuits (ICs) with tens or hundreds of pins? How to genera...

| As indicated by its name, MultiMet is a Multifunction measurement instrument (Met for Meter). It is capable of performing an amazing numbe...

| Performing measurements on digital circuits the proper way is really only possible with the aid of a logic analyser. Unfortunately...

| A new type of test instrument, the portable digital storage oscilloscope (OSO) has appeared on the electronics scene, and looks here to...

| Communication between electronic musical instruments and between musical instruments and a computer is made possible by MlDI(Musical Inst...

| The digital computer revolutionized electronic design to such an extent that today even relatively minor devices contain microprocessors. C...

| Since virtually all electronic musical instruments are now fitted with a Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), it has become possib...

| Older monophonie synthesizers have the disadvantage that they cannot be controlled via a Musical Instrument Digital InterfaceMIDI. Since m...

| Have you just invested in a large bag of capacitors with incomprehensible, little or no markings? Then read on. The instrument describe...