More about Eindhoven University (22)

| The human body is an extremely complex molecular machine, which can be studied in detail using so-called biomarkers. Unfortunately it is not...

| Team FAST, a student team from the TU Eindhoven, has developed a generator for construction sites that produces electricity from sustainably...

| Printing concrete in 3D is an innovation that has the potential to change the (housing) construction industry significantly, with respect to...

| A VR headset no only has to offer an image this is as 'real' as possible, but the sound also has to give the wearer of the headset the feeli...

| Dealing with unexpected events – for the soccer and care robots of the Technical University Eindhoven is nearly a given: indeed, you never c...

| Spectrometry, the analysis of visible and invisible light has many applications. Every material and every structure has its own ‘fingerprint...

| Scientists from TU Eindhoven and Kent State University have developed a material that undulates under the influence of light and can propel...

| Although the computing power of computers is continually increasing, they are and continue to be clumsy energy wasters when compared to huma...

| For the exponentially growing data traffic worldwide, the data connections within and between microchips are increasingly becoming a bottlen...

| Researchers from the AMOLF institute and Eindhoven University of Technology have developed a theory and an experimental method that show, fo...