All items tagged with Elektor Labs and Switch (17)

| This project suggested lighting a lamp or electrical products via Android phone (iPhone need to make the simple program) by simple commands....

| Commercially available laboratory power supplies often have disadvantages regarding the user interface, the performance or the price.In this...

| Discontinuous type switch for supplying lighting equipment By Michael A. Shustov (Russia)

| This project is a multi-configuration capacitive switch, designed to be mounted on a wall in a standard switch box and powered by mains.Feat...

by P.J.

| Hello, my Name is Philip and i am doing a internship at the laboratory of Elektor in Limbricht. When i saw Raymond's 7805 project i was...

| After having designed a switched [nodepicker==node/1952==Switched%207805%20Replacement==7805%20replacement]  it was suggested that I should...

| A small PCB the size of a TO-220 case containing a PWM voltage regulator to replace the classic 7805 by a more efficient regulator and with...