More about emission (48)

| MIT-led team designs airplanes that would use 70 percent less fuel than current models. In the CO2 emission rankings, aviation is high up...

| This isn't hot of the press or anything, but a few days ago I read a little news article on electric mobility, European policy and CO2 emiss...

| I had the chance to drive the Tazzari Zero Electric Car a few days ago when Tech the Future visited Good!. The Tazzari looks funny, which is...

| Combine German functionality with Italian taste and you'll get something that looks like this Volkswagen zero-emission taxi, designed especi...

| Food from far places can be really cheap, but flying over those tomatoes all the way from Argentina produces a lot of carbon-emission. And w...

| The Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland erupted last Wednesday. As a result most flights in Europe are cancelled. A volcano eruption like...

| Don't you just love Twitter trends? Tech the Future loves to contribute to them. Our fifth #ecomonday tip: Make your own biodiesel. A few r...

| I'm not only a fan of good things, but also of good looking things. The V-Trek zero emission motorcycle designed by Terrence Teo is both. Wh...

| This speech by Bill Gates is pretty inspiring. And the ideas he brings forward are too. Nuclear power is the future. "CO2 is warming the...

| I'm a minimalist. I don't need a lot of stuff. But somehow minimalistic designs like this turn me into a materialist. The HMK 516 electric m...