More about isolation (7)

| [Partner Content] Communication between charging stations and electric vehicles via an interface compliant with EN ISO 15118 is a fundamenta...

| Solid-state relays, also known as SSRs, are widely available on the market, for any voltage or current rating. Why make one, then? Because i...

| Connecting two or more I2C devices sometimes requires level adaptation since on device might be using 3V3 and another 5V. Providing adequate...

| Connecting two or more I2C devices sometimes requires level adaptation since on device might be using 3V3 and another 5V. Providing adequate...

| When the SDA (Serial DAta) lines on both the left and right lines are 1, the circuit is quiescent and optoisolators IC1 and IC2 are not...

| Although the tester could hardly be simpler, it has a fixed place in the tool box of the designer.

| M OST solid-state electronic circuits normally operate in a low voltage environment, and may be seriously harmed - even destroyed - in a...