All items tagged with LED and mbed (7)

| Over the years ARM’s mbed rapid prototyping platform has evolved into an impressive open source programming ecosystem supported by a steadil...

| Scrolling LED marquees are easily built with a few 8x8 LED arrays. However, 8x8 is not good enough for displaying all international alphanum...

| After buying an LED panel with 32x64 two-color pixels (that is a total of 4096 LEDs!) I wanted to make some sort of message board out of it,...

| Tipped off by my friend Gregory I recently bought an LED panel with 32x64 two-color pixels (that is a total of 4096 LEDs!, ref. DE-DP100 fro...

| Tipped off by my friend Gregory I recently bought an LED panel with 32x64 two-color pixels (that is a total of 4096 LEDs!, ref. DE-DP100 fro...

| When my friend Grégory showed me a 64×32 pixel two-colour LED panel picked up from an Internet retailer for about 50 dollars, I immediately...

| This is the first instalment of a three-part series which will introduce the fundamentals of programming a microcontroller in C. You can imm...