All items tagged with Loudspeakers and DSP (30)

| The A4 monitor is an exclusive design for home constructors and is of a quality that should approach the limits of what is currently p...

| Having read this month's Supplement on hi-fi loudspeakers you may feel inclined to start experimenting with loudspeaker construction. Fortu...

| The designer of a loudspeaker needs the knack of being able to choose a number of drive units that match and complement each other. In the d...

| In a surround-sound system, the quality of tbe drive units is not particularly important. After all, the audio bandwidth of this channel is...

| The output stages of many car radio/cassette players have no switch-on delay for the loudspeakers. This causes annoying clicks when the...

| Because of the special requirements of the amplifier, its construction is somewhat different from that of more traditional output amplifi...

| This article describes an out-ot-the-ordinary amplifier for driving very-Iow-impedance transducers such as ribbon loudspeakers. The amplif...

| This little circuit, designed and marketed as a kit by ELV, provides a visual warning when the maximum drive power to a loudspeaker is...

| Horn loudspeakers for domestic hi-fi reproduction are generally large, cumbersome and expensive boxes that are built only by real enthusia...

| 24 DESIGN IDEAS The contents of this column are based solely on information supplied by the author and do not imply practical experience by...