More about MQTT (48)

| In the last installment of this series, we developed a small sensor node based on the Pretzel board (equipped with an ATmega and ESP8266 WiF...

| MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) is a publish-subscribe-based (one-to-one or one-to-many) messaging protocol oriented to communicati...

| Sometimes you want to have specific functions in a home automation system that are not available with any commercial product. That’s why the...

| In the last episode i built a small sensor board. The ATmega on the Pretzel board periodically takes a reading from a phototransistor and co...

| In the last installment of this series I ported my mini-library for publishing MQTT messages to the Pretzel board which has an ATmega328 and...

| In previous episodes I’ve spent most of my time writing PC software, it’s time now to turn our attention to some firmware. Our ultimate aim...

| In the last installment of this series I started with the Pretzel-Board which has an ATmega328 and a WiFi LAN ESP8266 chip on board. The pre...

| Regular readers of this sequel will already know that for my first attempts to remotely control a desk lamp I used a PC as a relay station c...

| Like everyone else in the IoT arena, Avnet-Silica (Av-Si hereafter) have a get-u-going starter kit, and it was launched At Embedded World 20...

| In the previous instalments of this ongoing venture into the Internet of Things we have made use of several different open-source libraries...