More about Music (32)

| In 2015, electronic pianos all have keys, but most of them don’t have strings; however some of them now have real hammers, because they were...

| Unnerved by the obtrusive ticking of a mechanical metronome, pianist Florian Simmendinger has developed a digital version of such a clock ge...

| Ongoing improvements of brain imaging technology rapidly map out the functions of the brain. Research shows music could improve quality of l...

| As a perfect complement to the articles in this month’s Supplement, this Electronics On-Line page is devoted to making your own music CDs...

| With the present prices of CD burners and CD-R discs, making your own audio CDs with your own choice of music is an attractive possibility...

| The wave file player is yet another circuit that offers the prospect of several hours of enjoyable tinkering. The PC and the soldering iro...

| The AD8037 is a rather special opamp because its positive and negative inputs have internal clamps. The clamp at the negative input is e...

| Since the immensely successful introduction of the music compact disc, all things digitized are much sought after. In spite of the only...

| Music should be heard and enjoyed as if the orchestra were right in front of you. Unfortunately, neighbours, children and other members of...

| This is a robust, no-frills medium power amplifier that is particularly suited to use in 'combo' type portable amplifiers used by guitar...