More about Open Source (83)

| Transcend Robotics has created a mobility platform that can negotiate stairs and obstacles. Makers can build their own robotic project on to...

| Though image quality of digital camera's has greatly improved since the first iterations in the 1950's, freedom of use and control over the...

| The 3D printing company Omni3D aims to contribute to the democratization of energy generation by creating an affordable portable open source...

| Evangelia Gousiou is an amazing electronics engineer who keeps a low profile in spite of her amazing work at CERN, the European Organization...

| Phonebloks, the open hardware platform for creating highly modular smartphones that made a big splash last year as a concept of a Dutch desi...

| Open Source USB2GO is a small development board that plugs directly into the micro USB port of your Android smartphone. The purpose of t...

| Marc Tessier and James Sanderson of S&T GeoTronics are in the middle of a Kickstarter campaign to upscale the production of Enigma Mark 4 re...

| After 1.5 years of work hackers Bunnie Huang and Sean 'xobs' Cross have working prototypes of an open source laptop. Specs and source files...

| OpenBCI enables makers to get in to the fascinating field of mind controlled devices. Consumer grade BCI's like the NeuroSky Mindwave and...

| With the recent release of Warwick A. Smith’s Open Source Electronics on Linux, entering the world of open source software for electronics a...