All items tagged with Power and Battery (54)

| Most meter modules using a liquid-crystal display (LCD) and some using a light-emittingdiode (LED) display need a power source that is is...

| The voltage step-up converter described in this article is a transformerless design based on just one integrated circuit and a handful of...

| We are surrounded by batteryoperated equipment of all kinds, and this array is growing still. Manufacturers and designers lean over back...

| A pan pot enables a monophonic input signal to be positioned where desired between the stereo loudspeakers. When P1 (see diagram) is in...

| This article describes an electronic version of an age-old tool for games of chance: the die. It is, however, not cubical, but the numb...

| Following the detailed description of the preamplifier in last month's installment, this second and final part of the article deals with t...

| The monitor is a handy aid in cam and is particularlv suitable for radio amateurs who power their equipment from a car battery.

| Small wind powered generators are useful devices for people dependent on battery power, such as caravaners and yachtsmen. Commercial produc...

| This circuit, a. d.c.-d.c. converter, is intended to charge environment-friendly batteries in and environment-friendly way. lt is based...

| The tester checks whether a transistor, n-p-n as weIl p-n-p , works or not. If it does. the buzzer emits a squeak.