More about ultrasonic (73)

| In some company or university laboratories, the famous connected glasses from Google are used in scientific experiments, operations and medi...

| Up to now there hasn't been a true digital replacement for the tape measure, which just about everyone has in their toolbox. That’s set to c...

| In good experimental fashion, this project is a valuable study into what can be achieved with ‘commodity embedded technology’ like a Raspber...

| In good experimental fashion, this project is a valuable study into what can be achieved with ‘commodity embedded technology’ like a Raspber...

| Sensors like the Microsoft Kinect, which use infrared light to gauge depth, are easily confused by ambient infrared light. Even indoors, the...

| The French startup company Akoustic Arts has developed a directional loudspeaker that can send a focused sound beam to a single person, with...

| A research project called the ‘Proximity Hat” developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology uses ultrasound to emit and receive signals...

| This new ultrasonic flow meter draws a continuous current of just 8.5 µA when capturing flow measurements at a rate of 8 Hz allowing the dev...

| The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor is produced by the Malaysian company Cytron Technology. They specialize in sensors for robotic applications in...

| When MC Hammer rapped ‘You can’t touch this’ little did he know of the work being carried out by a group of scientists at Bristol University...