Tessel Renzenbrink (366)

| Compared to the giant leaps forward in computing power, human computer interfacing has made little progress. We're still mostly hunched over...

| OpenBCI, the open source Brain Computer Interface platform, started in 2013 to make biosensing available to makers, researchers and biohacke...

| Predictive policing systems combine sensor networks, big data and algorithms with the aim to predict and even prevent crime. But this type o...

| After one of them had his bike stolen for the sixth time in a year, two mechanical engineers decided it was time to disrupt the bicycle lock...

| The Numato Opsis is an FPGA-based open video platform designed to capture and stream live video during events. Its powerful control over the...

| Mandatory internships force Chinese students to work long hours on assembly lines of HP, Dell and Lenovo servers. The non-profit Electronics...

| Hurricane Sandy caused a 3 day blackout in Manhattan. The rise of extreme weather events caused by climate change calls for a fundamental ov...

| How many people in Mali have access to the internet? How many inbound network attacks have hit Germany in the last 24 hours? Answers to thes...

| Land, sea and air robots have gathered in Italy this week to compete in the euRathlon 2015 Challenge, the European emergency response roboti...

| Energy efficient, sustainable and empowered citizens, those are the promises of the smart city. But what about ubiquitous data collection an...