More about plastic (12)

| Researchers at McMaster University have developed a self-cleaning surface to which even bacteria and viruses cannot adhere. In principle it...

| Earlier on this news channel we reported on a serious request for help from NASA to develop a tricorder for extraterrestrial use and indeed...

| A study from Michigan Technology University shows 3D printed products require 41% to 74% less energy than large-scale manufactured goods....

| If there's so much CO2 in our atmosphere why not put it to good use? Researchers at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Si...

| You might have heard of the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch': an island of rubbish and plastics that all converge at one point in the Pacific O...

| What's not to love about bikes? They're a great alternative for those short car rides. Turns out 90% of the time cars are used to travel dis...

| Today all across Europe the Surfrider Cleanups kick off. So get off the couch, turn off your television and go to the beach! It's a great an...

| Good news! IBM researchers discovered a way to make plastic from plants that could replace petrolium-based products that leave a rather larg...

| Plastics are polymers, that is, chains of many identical molecules (monomers) that are intercoupled. The reason that most plastics are...

| The PCF8583' is areal-time clock calendar with PC interface. The addition of the components shown in this article gives a standard applic...