AIS to WiFi Converter

Interface from VHF-AIS-Receiver to WiFi for use with the iSailor App on my iPad
My iPad / iPhone navigation App iSailor needs the AIS-Data from the VHF-AIS-Receiver as a WiFi Signal.
On a second channel the GPS data can be send.
The data format ist NMEA 0183 with 38400 Bd for AIS and 4800 for GPS data.
In the future a LCD with 4 x 40 charakter shall display the data from AIS.
With two pushbuttons I can select different dispays.
On a second channel the GPS data can be send.
The data format ist NMEA 0183 with 38400 Bd for AIS and 4800 for GPS data.
In the future a LCD with 4 x 40 charakter shall display the data from AIS.
With two pushbuttons I can select different dispays.
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