More about Apple (129)

| At a price of less than 100 euros, a reasonably equipped smartphone seems to defeat all attempts are designing and building the above module...

| The march of technology is relentless; no sooner had we become used to LCDs when along came improved versions offering LED back-lighting, OL...

| Arm this week announced the final slate of keynotes and technical sessions for Arm TechCon 2017. This year’s program will focus on how the t...

| French company Netatmo has launched the latest addition to the smart home – an IoT-enabled radiator valve. The product is claimed to help us...

| If you are a chef or anyone passionate about food, which would you rather present to your guests: a nicely roasted chicken, with crispy ski...

| In the previous issue of Elektor we showed how easy it is to program the powerful ESP32 in the Arduino IDE. However, if you want to utilize...

| There are already many articles, projects and videos featuring the red Pretzel board which consists of an Arduino Nano with an integrated Wi...

| The Turing Test developed by Alan Turing is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to or indistinguishable...

| Updates used to be something to look forward to but nowadays all the systems we use seem to be plagued by the continual need to install the...

| Microchip is reaching out to Apple users with their Wi-Fi Software Development Kit (SDK). The SDK supports the Apple HomeKit platform which...