All items tagged with Car and Elektor Energy (69)

| Dr. Johannes Meier, Chief Executive Officer of the European Climate Foundation, firmly supports the transition to a decarbonised economy. In...

| Normally, Greenland is not known for being a supplier of media headlines. The last few months, however, have been different, because of the...

| It’s up to technologists to refine CCS, independently of policy and funding, in order to accelerate the sector. Winning EU funding is rarely...

| If the battle cry of Greenpeace once was "Save the whales", the battle cry of Joan MacNaughton, President of the Energy Institute in the UK,...

| Is carbon emission trading the Holy Grail that will lead us out of our climate predicament? Or is it rather a diversion that is leading us i...

| Some of the key provisions of the UK government's draft energy bill, released in May 2012, have come under sharp criticism. This applies in...

| If the European Commission wants to stimulate "green growth", as its official policy states, then the Emission Trading System (ETS) is the w...

| The European gas industry is bracing itself for tremendous changes. "The market is changing to a degree which has never been seen before", s...

| If European policymakers do not intervene soon in the EU's emission trading scheme, Europe's flagship climate policy risks sinking into obli...

| This analysis provides the first assessment of the practical potential for gas power with carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Europe in the...