More about Class-D (21)

| LAPIS Semiconductor has recently announced the development of a low power microcontroller that has an integrated 8-bit low power MCU core, s...

| Up until now we only had digital T-Boards. Why not an analog one? We asked ourselves what could be a useful circuit when experimenting with...

by RM

| All three of the authoritative and highly acclaimed reference books on analog component selection and design from Würth Electronics eiSos (p...

by JW

| FPGA Development Board, PCL86 Compact Tube Amplifier & 555 Class-D Amp

| The celebrated ‘555’ IC was originally developed as a timer device, but over the years this golden oldie has been used in all sorts of other...

| It’s easy to damage small speakers in portable devices and monitors when they are used to produce loud sounds or bass frequencies. The voice...

| Texas Instruments has introduced three analog-input class-D stereo amplifiers for use in soundbars, after-market automotive solutions, porta...

| Last month one of the unsung heroes of electronics has passed away. Hans Camenzind, father of one of the most famous integrated circuit of a...

| Extra Thick Double January & February 2014 Edition Traditionally Elektor’s first edition of the year is a double one with extra load of proj...

| There are plenty of designs for simple audio power amplifiers. These generally have a class-AB or class-B topology. Here we present a very c...