More about Coronavirus (51)

| Eben Upton talks about how his team is handling the COVID-19 crisis, as well as Raspberry Pi’s current approach to industry. The interview a...

| As everyday consumers stared at empty supermarket shelves, void of flour, yeast and toilet paper, it was something almost none of us had eve...

| COVID-19 has dramatically impacted the electronics industry. In this edition of Elektor Industry, we investigate how various companies and o...

| For those in the electronics industry, supply issues and long component lead times are regular events. But, while our industry has contingen...

| This week we present a mix of positive and negative electronics-related news. On the positive side, we cover the world’s fastest supercomput...

| Electronics-related research and innovation continues despite the Covid-19 crisis. For instance, MIT engineers have developed a new type of...

| Elektor International Media announced today new engineering resources for electronics innovators and enthusiasts. Engineers around the world...

| FROLIC studio cofounder Andrew Spitz is innovating during these turbulent times. In this interview, he shares details about his studio’s pro...

| Face masks are indispensable protective elements during epidemics. Although intended for one-time use, during a crisis reuse is inevitable a...

| This is a submission from congatec. The company recognizes West Pond Technologies for its social isolation breaking AV headend technology. S...