More about DIY (92)

| The BITalino kit, developed by a researcher at the Institute of Telecommunications in Portugal, includes sensor modules for monitoring sever...

| The open source SparqEE Cellv1.0 development board adds worldwide cellular connectivity to Arduino, Raspberry Pi and other platforms. Spa...

| Feel like your keyboard/bicycle wheel/book would be greatly improved if it could fly? With the Drone It Yourself kit you can turn every day...

| Linkbot is a modular robotic platform designed to be easy enough for kids and beginners yet challenging enough for advanced designers creati...

| We’ve all seen the amazing capabilities of flocks of birds and schools of fish to move seemingly as one. Such collective behavior can be wit...

| Three Swedish electronic engineers started out with a simple idea. To make a printed circuit board fly. The first iteration of the nano q...

| Industry grade bioprinters are already capable of printing living tissue from human cells. Currently the 3D tissue is used in lab environmen...

| Biohacker Cathal Garvey talked about DIY biotechnology at the annual PICNIC festival in Amsterdam. With the theme of the two-day festival be...

| The Public Laboratory has built an open hardware $35 spectrometer. Now they’re running a crowdfunding project to realize an online library t...

| As the internet matures, governments –spooked by the rapid pace distributed information turns into distributed power- draft legislation afte...