More about Elektor Labs (733)

| Are you one of those people who never closes a door behind you? Then this project may be interesting for you or your entourage. The creator...

| When products evolve over time they tend to adopt technologies as they emerge. Not this project however, as it seems to embrace only disappe...

| Elektor Labs is an online publishing platform for electronics DIY projects. Everybody can create one or more project pages here and present...

| The project that we highlight this week concerns a subject that we encounter every once in a while: an electronic wind instrument. Based on...

| Loved and hated at the same time, breadboards remain a great source of inspiration. They are loved because of their versatility and ease of...

| 180 LEDs controlled by a single PIC 18F46K22 clocked at 64 MHz. The program is written in C. Open source, open hardware; Use and improve.

| When a manufacturer releases a B version of an existing product the differences between the old and the new are usually small. Not so in the...

| The Elektor.Labs website has undergone a major makeover and now sports the same look & feel as the other Elektor websites. However, the chan...

| In January 2010 Elektor published a magic eye, an electron-ray indicator tube, to visualize the processing charge of the CPU in a PC. The gl...

| At Elektor we are quite used to receiving badly addressed and/or labeled parcels accompanied by a scrap of paper with a cryptic text, and so...