All items tagged with Gerber and Wi-Fi (5)

| This project lets you scroll text on a bank of eight 8 × 8 LED matrix displays. It uses a Wi-Fi module of type ESP-12F (based on the ESP8266...

| Thermostats are everywhere — in the fridge, in the freezer, on the wall, in the car, everywhere are thermostats except on my desk. Sometimes...

| Connected Objects is what people covet today. Anything except the dog’s temper has to be controllable from a smartphone or tablet and even m...

| With Wi-Fi modules pervasive it’s high time to start thinking about adding household appliances to your home Wi-Fi network. Controlling your...

| Today all & sundry, devices included, have to be “connected”, 24/7, all year round. You may have a Facebook account, but what about your osc...