More about LED (742)

| Believe it or not, there was a time when hobbyists found 7-segment displays with red LEDs (cutting-edge technology at that time) hard to com...

| Because electronics is a world so big that it is impossible to know every nook and cranny of it, we spend many hours exploring its confines....

| One month ago we asked Elektor Labs users to design an original fading LED circuit and publish its schematic together with a video as a proj...

| A wearable LED controller. The controller supports Arduino IDE and works with Adafruit Neopixel LED strips and library. All powered by 2x AA...

| The German Amateur Radio Club (DARC) has issued a press release identifying domestic LED light bulbs as a source of electrical interference....

| The march of technology is relentless; no sooner had we become used to LCDs when along came improved versions offering LED back-lighting, OL...

| Participate in the Mouser quiz

| LEDs that slowly fade in and out to indicate stand-by mode or the availability of a new message have been made popular by smartphones and ot...

| Supposing you’d want to bring some light into a boat or campervan during the evening you could connect a couple of 12-V incandescent lamps t...

| This new kit is a variant of Elektor’s earlier published sand clock. Instead of writing the time in a layer of sand, it uses a laser module...