More about Quantum Mechanics (27)

| On June 20, Silicon Valley startup Rigetti Quantum Computing Inc. opened its own wafer fab, dubbed Fab-1, for quantum computing circuits. Fa...

| Researchers all over the world are working to build a secure Internet based on the invisible quantum physical link between particles called...

| A light wave travelling through empty space always oscillates in the same direction. However, there are materials which can rotate this osci...

| Researchers from the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (California Institute of Technology) have discovered the first three-dimen...

| Quantum computers are still a dream of the future, but once they become reality they will be more powerful than all the computers of today t...

| Seen here on its slow way to launch, but actually launched in the Gobi desert on 16 August and carried by a Long March-2D rocket, is Micius,...

| Although we have to wait a while for Walmart to stock quantum computers, a taste of ‘qubit’ computing power is available, courtesy IBM. A fi...

| For years, cryptography that relies on the multiplication of large prime numbers, such as RSA encryption was thought to be extremely safe if...

| Nowadays, when reading through research papers it seems that concepts like quantum computers, valleytronics, or qubits are all the rage. Qui...

by MC

| Researchers experimenting with the properties of Graphene have discovered that when the single-atom-thick sheet is exposed to extreme low te...