More about Satellite TV (8)

| Explore the world of RF engineering and SDR with Sebastian from Baltic Lab. In this episode of Elektor Engineering Insights, he discusses so...

| Satellite dish positioning motors are extremely resistant due to their worm gear. After all, they are intended to hold the ‘dish’ in a fixed...

| SiTune Corporation’s latest IC release the STN6522 is a dual tuner chip supporting satellite and terrestrial RF inputs while providing both...

| A problem occurs when you have a comfortable chair, a satellite TV tuner with only one SCART connector, and two decoders, also with only...

| After the demise of BSB (British satellite Broadcasting) in early 1991, the electronics surplus market was flooded with tens of thousands...

| This article looks at several options that exist for the distribution of satellite TV signals in small networks. Also, in the face of the f...

| While the majority of satellite television channels have sound subcarriers with 50-µS or 75-µS pre-emphasis, certain channels, particularl...

| Since an Astra-compatible TVRO set is about the cheapest ticket to the satellite- TV arena, it is not surprising that many of you have at...