All items tagged with speed and Circuit (9)

| Here is the circuit voted winner of the International R8C Design Competition by Elektor Electronics readers: an intelligent 3D accelerometer...

| In the June 2002 issue we introduced you to the DS89C420, the youngest member of the microcontroller family produced by our ever active frie...

| The fan runs constantly in many PCs, which may not even be necessary. A simple controller circuit can regulate the fan speed according to...

| The Type ZN419CE servo control IC from Ferranti is ideal for use in model railway direct-current engines. The internal circuit diagram o...

| The circuit shown in the diagram is intended for applications in which relatively large pulse-shaped signals are to be applied to a standa...

| The AD8037 is a rather special opamp because its positive and negative inputs have internal clamps. The clamp at the negative input is e...

| Circuits for making audible sound effects stored in an rc are nothing special any more these days. A disadvantage of many of them is,...

| The circuit in the diagram enables the speed of an electric PCB drill to be controlled with only one preset. As an aside, the rotary dire...

| The power circuit described in this article is used for obtaining a variable direct voltage source from the 50 Hz a.c. mains supply. The v...