All items tagged with speed and Power (6)

| Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have simulated a memory cache system called "Jenga" that create...

| Last time I counted there were 1,275,552 (±3) different operational amplifiers (op-amps) on the market. Given this large choice one would ex...

| Part 1 presented an overview of the system. In part 2, we deal with the construction of the SpeedControl unit, user programming with a PC (v...

| In many advanced electronic circuits, speed and accuracy are of the utmost importance. It is sometimes overlooked that to achieve these,...

| When a bicycle speedometer must be rugged, accurate and, above alt novel and a Iittle unusual, the 'high-rech' computerized LeD units fou...

| The power circuit described in this article is used for obtaining a variable direct voltage source from the 50 Hz a.c. mains supply. The v...