All items tagged with Television and remote control (6)

| Having dinner with friends in a restaurant with loud TVs? Do you want to fool unsuspecting TV viewers? Just point and click!

| Having dinner with friends in a restaurant with loud TVs? Do you want to fool unsuspecting TV viewers? Just point and click the TV-B-Gone.

| Most homes today have at least a few infrared remote controls, whether they be for the television, the video recorder, the stereo, etc. Desp...

| This article does more than just describe an IR transceiver that you can use with your PC for remote control and data transfer. Based on the...

| Using this infrared receiver with your PC will let you control your favourite programs using a readily-available RC5 transmitter: useful if...

| 12-44 — elektor december 1980 simple remote control Conventional remote control trans- mission units are often adorned with a large array...