All items tagged with Wi-Fi and Elektor Labs (6)

| In the March-April 2020 edition of Elektor Magazine a remote-controlled switch was published. It communicated using LoRa and provided feedba...

| Wi-Fi is great, when the signal strength is good. Indoors this is usually the case, but if you want to extend your network to cover for inst...

| This project is a remake of the 120718 WiFi controller board. With this board you can control a ledstrip and 8 IO pins via an apdroid app or...

| Wouldn't it be nice, if you could put an RGB LED strip anywhere in your house? Of course, modules like that already exist, and they change c...

| Today all & sundry, devices included, have to be “connected”, 24/7, all year round. You may have a Facebook account, but what about your osc...