Article (450)

| Arduino has millions of users around the world in academia, research, and industry. This success of Arduino can be attributed to the open-so...

| Reducing power dissipation from diodes is essential in all situations where high currents flow at relatively low voltages (e.g., when solar...

| Based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Jose Luiz Sanchez Lorenzo is a Hardware Engineer working on a wide range of projects such as embedded projects u...

| Exciting news alert! The Raspberry Pi 5 is here! Today, the Raspberry Pi unveils its highly-anticipated SBC, the Raspberry Pi 5. Be among th...

| PID control is a commonly used control algorithm. Elektor's new book is an excellent resource for anyone looking to use a Raspberry Pi 4 or...

| Most people don’t realize that soldering electronic components is a very complex activity with complicated thermal and chemical processes ta...

| This project, a replica of Düsseldorf’s iconic Rhine Tower, demonstrates the joint creative power of an Elektor freelance author and an Elek...

| Printed circuit boards are the basis of modern electronics. They come from all over and from various circumstances. Visiting a board factory...

| Do you have fuses everywhere, but not one to replace that which has just blown? Join the club! However, there is an alternative — the polyfu...

| Kelly Heaton forged an idiosyncratic path into engineering. Today, her objective is to “unite art and science in a Yin Yang of emotional and...