All items tagged with CAN and Converter (11)

| This circuit exploits the unique ability of the LTC3129 and LTC3129-1 to start up and operate from an input power source as โ€œweakโ€ as 7.5 ยตW...

| A triangular waveform generator can be converted into a very precise analogue-to-digital converter with the aid of a single resistor. This...

| There are often occasions when a higher direct voltage is required than an available battery can provide. In many such cases, the circuit...

| The unit described in this article converts the single-phase mains supply to a 3-phase voltage, which can be used to control small three-p...

| The link between a PC and its peripherals is usually either parallel (Centronics) or serial (RS232). In some cases, however, it is necessa...

| Although frowned upon by many as addictive and devoid of educational value, computer games can be great fun to play. This little circuit...

| With the aid of a few components a standard relay can be made to change state every time a pulse is applied (or a switch is pressed).

| Strictly speaking, the converter described so far does not need switching logic, since it can simply be connected direct to a CD player....

| Although the well-known Type LM317 voltage regulator is already short-circuit-proof, there are cases where a limit of the heavy short-cir...

| Teledyne Semiconductor's Type TSC9402 is a versatile IC. Not only can it convert voltage into frequency, but also frequency into voltage....