More about CAN (485)

| One of the main bottlenecks in computing is the data bandwidth challenge. Because data storage (usually RAM) is separated from the data proc...

| I think it started a few years back with Apple’s Siri, the “intelligent” personal assistant and knowledge navigator built in for instance iP...

| Harvard University researchers have developed a low-cost flow battery that stores energy in organic molecules dissolved in neutral pH water....

| High on the list of bestsellers in Elektor’s book portfolio is Controller Area Network Projects with ARM and Arduino. This book details the...

| Due to rising demand for our creative services and products, Elektor is looking for new employees. Not only for our sales team, but also for...

| The American Standard Code for Information Interchange, first published in 1963 and from then on known as ASCII, was based on the English al...

| You know, CAN (controller area network) is sooo 10 seconds ago… It’s faster successor, CAN FD (FD = Flexible Datarate) offers not only high...

| Crimping those so-called ‘pinheaders’ can be an extremely frustrating experience to the uninitiated. The first hurdle is to identify a suita...

| Back in 1980 Elektor challenged its readership to come up with circuits and projects housed in a beer, soft drink or sardine can. Conceivabl...

| Nanobots capable of navigating the blood system to administer precision doses of medicine when they encounters active cancerous tumor cell...