All items tagged with Accelerometer and LCD (7)

| PocketBeagle Grove Kit® is an infinitely scalable tool for working with sensors and actuators aimed at helping beginners and professionals...

| The pi-top [4] is a robust educational computer intended for makers, and especially young makers better known as children. Based on a Raspbe...

| The members of Arrow’s ARIS board family are among the most popular Arrow development boards for IoT applications. Here we present four of t...

| A new kit jointly created by Lime Microsystems and seeed studio is claimed to provide everything you need to get started learning SDR basics...

| Mouser Electronics, Inc. announced today a global distribution agreement with Enterpoint Ltd., designers and manufacturers of high-performan...

| Texas Instruments has announced eZ430-Chronos development kit, which it claims to be first customisable development environment for sports w...

| Regarding Arduino, it can't really be easier. Every time the Arduino team is about to release a new board, we expect something great in...