| Back in 2013, Natasha Baker launched SnapEDA to develop a search engine for electronics design content. Today, the company’s library compris...
| Back in 2013, Natasha Baker launched SnapEDA to develop a search engine for electronics design content. Today, the company’s library compris...
| Supporting engineers and start-up companies to drive meaningful innovation, Avnet Silica and EBV Elektronik have launched the international...
| Many electronics enthusiasts use stripboard to build small circuits and prototypes. Unfortunately, most PCB layout programs do not provide m...
| So far we’ve had a lot of 2-layer board examples, but DesignSpark can handle much more than that so today let’s take a closer look at the di...
| ARM and microcontroller manufacturers ST, NXP, Freescale and Infineon, together with Elektor, announce a fantastic competition for developer...
| In the previous DesignSpark T&T articles I used a square board outline because it was easy to draw. Today we will create a board outline for...
| Typing on today’s mobile phones and tablets is needlessly slow. One limitation is that the QWERTY layout is ill-suited when typing with the...
| Most students participating in microcontroller programming courses bring their own notebook PCs and run into problems when they discover the...
| An IC socket with turned contacts can be used as a simple, low-cost experimenter’s board allowing small circuits to be built and tested quic...
| The DCF-controlled LED clock design, published in the May 1998 issue of Elektor Electronics, is a radio-controlled electronic version of the...