All items tagged with Energy Policy and climate change (154)

| EER’s Jozef Badida recently attended the fourth annual Euro-Mediterranean Energy Efficiency Forum in Monaco. Policy and decision makers disc...

| The energy transition process in Germany is suffering from its success. The German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) calls it a crit...

| The first European Energy Forecast Summit: 2014 Outlook organized by the Paris and Brussels-based think tank Premiere Circle took place last...

| Dr. Johannes Meier, Chief Executive Officer of the European Climate Foundation, firmly supports the transition to a decarbonised economy. In...

| Dr. Johannes Meier, Chief Executive Officer of the European Climate Foundation, firmly supports the transition to a decarbonised economy. In...

| The European Union counts 28 Member States as of mid-2013. All these countries have a different energy history and their actual energy statu...

| The US Administration can promulgate laws that apply to the whole nation, while on state level strong opposition arises sometimes, and on na...

| Erratic Dutch policy on renewables down the years has put investors off. Now civil society has stepped in, in a bid to promote the transitio...

| When it comes to enacting policy for a transition to a sustainable energy future, the UK is a world leader. Already enshrined in law are leg...

| Despite the pressures in the EU-electricity and gas sectors, the changes created new opportunities for the incumbent national suppliers – in...