More about ESP32 (212)

| Clocks are probably one of the most popular topics in DIY electronics, together with radio receivers. I wouldn’t be surprised if every reade...

| The Phambili Newt is a battery-powered, always-on, wall-mountable display that can go online to retrieve information from the Internet and p...

| Excellent audio performance for this easy to use radio, able to decode most internet station formats ! Updated firmware and Web Server.

| Build your own ESP32-WROVER devkit

| ESP32 clock - clock radio with if desired wake_up call.

| [FRENCH] Un délesteur facile à programmer via son interface HTML et compatible avec les compteurs Linky français !

| For holidays and parties, 24-V DC LED strings that flash and vary in brightness can be eye candy. You need only an ESP32 to drive an entire...

| Logging debug data from a microcontroller to a laptop is not always convenient. Either there is no spare laptop, or the development board is...

| In the 1960s and 1970s, if you were into electronics, there were, in my opinion, two devices that you absolutely wanted to build yourself: a...

| [Partner Content] Hi, I’m Crowbot Bolt, an open source smart programming car powered by an ESP32 chip.