More about Espressif (202)

| NeoPixel LEDs are cheap and easy-to-use RGB LEDs, digitally addressable. Example code, libraries and supporting content can be found easily...

| Three months to come up with a good project idea around the Espressif ESP32, develop it and then write the documentation, is not a lot. A bi...

| Many of the IoT solutions you see at trade shows like Embedded World use Amazon Web Services (AWS). This platform is very powerful, robust a...

| Clocks built using vintage components are currently very popular. Most designs are based on a real-time clock, synchronized via radio time s...

| “James, one Martini please -- shaken, not stirred.” This project allows you to ask your personal assistant to prepare your favourite cocktai...

| At the heart of this Wi-Fi controlled relay sits an ESP-12F module built on the famous ESP8266EX, flanked by a 4 MB memory. The ubiquitous...

by luni

| Game Console on the ESP32 without extra components!

by rgehr

| ESP32 used to control a decentralized Fan with Heat Recovery functionality based on several sensors via MQTT

| Big clock display with temperatue based on ESP32 and MQTT.

| Bike-Trailer with a LiPo Battery Pack to drive the Rear-Wheel of a bike. The ESP32 controlls and communicate with Smartphone to drive